Friday, June 15, 2007

Treaty problems defined

The Daily Telegraph has provided the text of the German Presidency's report for the 21/22 June meeting of the European Council linked here. It provides stark confirmation that at Berlin the leaders of the EU's once nation states jointly decided to steam roller their citizens into a single EU state by non-democratic moves clearly designed to demonstrate its future non-democratic structure and therefore a tyrannical basis of rule. Key points from the linked document: "Settling this issue quickly is therefore a priority" NO justification or evidence of this need is provided. In fact the flow of regulations during this supposed period of stagnation has if anything increased!! "The Treaty on the European Union as modified would keep its present name, while the Treaty establishing the European Community would become the 'Treaty on the functioning of the Union', containing all the detailed implementing provisions, including the legal bases. Both Treaties would have the same legal value." "....the Presidency recommends that the June European Council agree to the rapid convening of an IGC. It suggests that the European Council give a precise and comprehensive mandate (on structure and content) to the IGC, thus allowing it to finalise its work on a new Treaty before the end of this year." As I have repeatedly warned on this blog, and my final quote makes absolutely clear, there is no normal IGC being planned. It is intended that the 21/22 June meeting will give a "precises and comprehensive mandate (on structure and content) to the IGC" leaving no room for subsequent negotiation. THAT IS WHY ONLY THE INCOMING PM SHOULD HOLD NEGOTIATING AUTHORITY FOR BRITAIN NEXT WEEK!


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