Tuesday, March 25, 2008

England's Scottish enemy

The deceitful, conspiratorial and often plain downright lying and dishonest man that is presently Prime Minister of Britain, through the neglect of their own democracy by England's electorate and the tilted voting mechanism of the UK, today spells out in the Daily Telegraph, here, his plans for the further subjugation of England having already vitually assured the destruction of that nation's parliament by ramming through the Lisbon Treaty without the slightest conscience of breaking his manifesto commitment to a referendum. Read his exact words, to have as clearly illustrated as it can possibly be, that he does not even consider England as worthy of consideration in his scheme of the world: In recognition of this, 10 years ago we embarked on devolution - ensuring that the smaller nations that are part of the UK have more control over their own affairs. Devolution simply acknowledges the dual identities: Welsh and British, Scottish and British too.



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