Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Treasures from the threads - Number twenty-five

The following is a comment to an accurate description of the present lamentable state of the Conservative Party as an opposition or alternative Government by Simon Heffer in the Daily Telegraph this morning, linked here: Give it another term under Labour and it won't matter. Many Brits have already left and will swap passports in due course. Britain is dead, a twitching corpse eaten from within by an EU that hated it, as the Scots cheer from the North in the UKM they thought was Scotland, breaking up a Britain that Brown has to keep supporting to stay in office. Better to let it all collapse. Brown is a vanity laden idiot who thinks he's saved the planet. A legend in his own mind. A Mandelson player of the dark piccolo, picking the notes as pied piper to the numpty Left in academo-medialand. He has combined being arsonist with fire chief. Sold our gold reserves, abused the PFI, shovelled debt forward onto future generations with no vote, invented an uber-class of oh-so-clever non-jobbers who bleed the country white, has suckled on banking's teat to pay for the borrowing we can't afford, then blamed them, the banks, free markets, capitalism and the US for his own appalling behaviour, because that always plays well with the idiot Left who prop this Government up. He's bailed the financial system out with our money - but anything other would have exposed him as the criminal that he is and he would have lost all those votes based on fiat and falsehood. And HM Opposition? Where are they? Watching Brown continue to play with the matches while the country turns to ashes around him. Letting him build his plinth based on lies and debt. Where's the anger? Where's the opposition? Ammunition everywhere and they pick up conkers. Pick the f-ing ammo up and pepper that smug Labour front bench for former student Marxists. Never mind EU/UK lemmings, have a deep wallow in the Beeb propaganda and watch your Come Dancing, X factor and footie while the CCTV cameras roll and the databases churn, building the new serfdom for a politico-financial global elite who let you think you live in a democracy. All unreported because the media is in league with it. It's a tragic unreported farce and Brown keeps fiddling and what's left of the country keeps burning. Posted by John Seaton on November 19, 2008 4:22 AM



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