Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Treacherous Queen - Thread Treasures - Thirty-nine

In response to s a stupid comment (link) by Simon Heffer in today's Daily Telegraph on the morning of the disgraceful further opening of this treasonous Parliament - +++++

She is not a "beloved Queen". She ratified without murmur the Lisbon Treaty and gave away our sovereignty. Therefore she is no longer fit to be Head of State, no longer fit to have my allegiance and should be tried for treason along with every other member of Parliament who was complicit in accepting the Lisbon Treaty. She should stand up and say "NO MORE, YOU HAVE DESTROYED THIS COUNTRY IN THE LAST 13 YEARS", dissolve parliament, get everyone who has served in Government at whatever level in the past 13 years into court as traitors, repeal just about every piece of legislation on the statute books except the Magna Carta and 1689 Bill of Rights (which still exists, is still legally binding and has never been repealed) and then we can start all over again to re-build OUR country.

John Leslie
on November 18, 2009
at 06:52 AM



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