Friday, September 30, 2011

The Plot to form the EU into a socialist superstate.

There is another excellent analysis of the EU and its problems from the web site "Acting Man" this morning, read it from here, today mainly concentrating on the history and political run-up to the disaster that is unfolding on the economic front.

Looking back at the introduction of the euro, we think that the euro such as it is now constituted must be regarded as part of the socialist 'plan B' that has slowly but surely become Europe' plan A' over the decades.

The reason for this conclusion is simply this: it was made crystal clear to the politicians and technocrats at the time of the currency's introduction that it was a severely flawed  concept from an economic point of view. Early critics such as the group of economists and lawyers led by Joachim Starbatty and Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider in Germany laid out in painstaking detail why it would not work, what would eventually go wrong and how it would play out.

They have been proved right: every single one of their predictions has come to pass. They were of course not the only ones criticizing the project. A great many economists warned of the flaws of the euro, and even though many of the critiques were not framed in the manner we would have framed them, they  should have made it unambiguously clear to the eurocracy that the project was doomed from the outset.

They went ahead anyway. Since they went ahead in spite of knowing that the system would eventually suffer a crisis, we must conclude the following: some of them were simply incompetent, while others wanted a crisis to occur on purpose. Their calculation probably was that once a crisis erupted, the next stage in the erection of the socialist super-state could be far more easily implemented. This next stage is the end of subsidiarity, or rather, what little is left of it.

All exactly as this blog has been almost daily maintaining since the blatant conspiracy first become perfectly obvious to this non-economist blogger, after which, when including other fora, such as the Financial Times Forum, Europa Futura Forum etc now runs up to some fifteen odd years of mostly unheard and unread protest and objections!

Please read the entire detailed posting from Pater Tenebrarum, linked above and again from here! I will for the moment content myself with just one further quote:

It would be vastly better if the euro were to simply fall apart.



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